The Christmas Party

Christmas parties were always the same. This one wasn't even with Dan's co-workers, but he'd come out at the behest of his wife, Noel. Cheesy music blared from the speakers in the stuffy banquet hall, the more contemporary releases being notably more offensive than the usual stuff. The hall was littered with round tables that forced conversation had been decorated with festive reds and greens, and gaudy tinsel hung from every spare surface while a miserable looking plastic tree sat in the middle of the room with empty boxes decorated to look like presents beneath it.

Dan stared around the room wondering who else was stuck in the same position he was. A few of the teachers he'd met before; he was thankful the kids weren't there too. One thing he could openly admit was that teachers knew how to party -- underpaid, underappreciated, and after a long week looking after other people's crotch goblins obviously required a whole lot of unwinding at the end of it all. He rose his beer to his lips and eyed the room over the rim of the glass as he sipped the last lukewarm, flat dregs from his beer.

Beside him his wife was chatting away with Evan, a co-worker and his wife. With the conversational topic inevitably drifting to work, Dan and Evan's wife were pretty left out. It wouldn't be so bad if the two of them weren't separated by Evan and Noel sitting between them and had each other to talk to, but she sat there twiddling away on her phone with a bored expression, occasionally lifting her gin and tonic to her lips to take a sip, eyes entirely fixed on her phone.

She wasn't a bad looking girl, one strip of her hair straightened in the front on her fringe and perfectly maintained eyebrows but her teeth were a little large -- nobody's perfect though. She'd framed her mouth nicely with a delicately sparkling lip gloss. After staring vacantly for a moment, Dan decided to go up and get more drinks since there wasn't anything else going on.

"Another one?" He asked the group, but Evan's wife was deeply focused on her phone and Evan was deeply focused on Noel. Without a response, he stood himself up quietly and shuffled off between the tables and around the dance floor over to the bar area. Unlike the clubs from his misspent youth, there wasn't a sea of people to fight through to attract the attentions of the barkeep. A woman with a buzzcut and tattoos riding beneath her rolled up black shirt approached with a slight nod rather than words, ready for his order.

"Uh, I'll do..." he looked over to his table. There were just the four of them sitting there way in the back, away from the school's higher-ups in case of any drunken shenanigans or overheard shit-talking. Sure enough Evan was still chatting to Noel, laughing with hands flying around expressively. As he looked, she even gave him the subtle post-laugh shoulder touch. They were getting friendly. A sour feeling churned his stomach. Still, Christmas was about two things for an adult; getting together with friends and family, and getting blasted. Dan had very little of the former, and with the one person here for him currently otherwise occupied, he decided to focus on the latter.

He made up his mind. "Double gin and tonic with no ice, one pint of Stella, one large pinot, and a pint of Heineken." She got to making the order, plopping a tray down on the side of the bar ready for the drinks. He looked back over again while she filled the glasses. They were still getting a little too friendly. When the barkeep arrived back, Dan decided to add a little more fun to the order.

"Best do four shots of..." He eyed the back row of glimmering bottles of all shapes and colours, wondering what the best option might be. "Uh... fireball?"

The bar woman nodded in response and went off to get the shots. Glancing over once more, he could see his wife getting dangerously close to Evan, talking closely into his ear to avoid shouting over the mumbling crowds. He wanted the barkeep to hurry up so he could keep an eye on them, since Evan's wife clearly wasn't. He quickly paid in cash and scooped up the tray, leaving behind the change as a tip. On his way back winding around the round tables and bobbing in and out of passers by he locked eyes on them to see what they were getting up to, and what he was missing out on.

"Here we go." Dan said to the group, sliding between Evan and his wife to put down the drinks.

"Ah -- shots? Aren't we too old for this?" Evan piped up.

"You're only as old as you feel!" Noel added with a smile. It was enough to get Evan's wife to look away from her phone for just a moment, placing it down on the table to take her shot glass face up so she could still see her notifications.

"I'm going to feel a hundred in the morning after all this..." Evan complained weakly, but he was already daintily lifting the tiny glass between his thick fingers. Dan had never noticed just how tall he was before. Not freakishly so, but enough to be attractive to the girls. Dan compared his size to that of his wife, only 5'3.

"To Christmas?" Dan questioned the group, raising his tiny glass aloft. They all raised theirs in reply, clinking them lightly as not to spill the precious liquid inside. "To Christmas!" they repeated. As the name might imply, the fireball went down with a delicious cinnamon burn. No sooner had the glasses been put down on the table than they were back at it, talking among themselves and leaving Dan and Evan's wife right out of the action.

With nothing better to do, Dan decided this would be a good juncture to use the bathroom. He didn't mention it to the others, who were already clearly preoccupied with each other. Twiddling away on his phone he sat down in one of the stalls and scrolled through some memes idly, his finest pair of jeans by his ankles in a crumpled pile.

It had only been a minute or so until somebody else came in. Listening to the footsteps, it sounded like they left again. Muffled from the stall and doors, he could just make out a woman's voice outside the room.

"But what if someone comes in?" she was saying in a half-hesitant tone that failed to hide the excited other half. "We're both mar-" her sentence was cut short by tittering schoolgirl giggles and the sound of the door closing.

"So what if someone comes in, you'll just have to be quiet." Came the growling reply. It was Noel and Evan. A disgusted panic quickly set in -- Dan had no idea what he should do, go out and confront them, or leave and return to the table and pretend this wasn't happening, or...

His train of thought was interrupted by the cubicle next to him slamming shut and locking. Heavy breathing sounds and light moans accompanied sucking and kissing noises, shuffling fabric and the occasional bump against the walls.

"Do you have a condom?" Dan heard his wife whisper between breaths. There was a moment of silence before she added; "give me that."

His curiosity getting the better of him, Dan leaned down and checked beneath the stall. He was right, it was Evan and Noel. She was now kneeling down and ripping open the little square packet with her teeth, staring right up at the towering man with lust-laden eyes. She held the packet in her hand while she unbuttoned his jeans with her tongue, nibbling on the zipper as she yanked it down. All this without breaking eye contact. Dan hadn't seen her like this in a long time, so eager, so willing to please, so sexually unrefined to the point that it was nothing more than an animalistic lust.

As disheartening it was to see her with another man, especially one she had such close contact with on a daily basis who could fuck her all the time at work with nobody around, there was no denying that seeing her like this was hot.

His throbbing dick popped out of his boxers and she pushed the condom over the tip of her tongue, pushing it onto him with her lips all the way down. Slowly, slowly, still giving him those doe eyes until his dick filled her throat. As she pushed the final inches in she let out little gasping moans and reached down between her legs to rub at herself. He grumbled a long low moan at the feeling of his cock sinking down her tight tunnel.

"Evan, you're so fucking big... you're huge."

Dan whipped out his phone, checked it was on silent, and positioned himself to be standing on the white porcelain with the angle to hold the phone over the top of the cubicle.

"Yeah? Bigger than Dan? When was the last time you took something like this?" Evan asked. "It's been... a long time." She replied, gripping it in her hand and gently wanking him off as she nibbled at him.

He lifted her up with ease and pushed her against the cubicle door, holding her completely aloft as he positioned himself between her legs. All Dan could do now was watch. Despite the audacity and betrayal, his own dick was pressing against his jeans and buckling as it strained for release. He took it out and rubbed it slowly, trying not to make a noise loud enough that might stop the show.

Evan started grasping at her thighs with an animalistic desire, all semblance of restraint thrown out the window. The tights she had been wearing were ripped off, torn and thrown aside as he pulled at her panties while biting at her neck. Dan knew that was the right spot, just below the ear. For another man to find that spot and use it against her, to reach that level of intimacy... he felt like he wasn't needed, that this man could better fill her desires. Finally he slid inside of her, giving her inch after delicious inch with a girth that spread her out wide.

"Oh shit -- Evan, oh my god you're huge!" Noel huffed as she gasped at the intense feeling.

"I've wanted this since you started working at the school." Evan panted as he thrust with a slow rhythm. "I've been watching that ass as you walked down the hallways."

He dropped her down and spun her around. There was a little squeak as she was unsure of what he was doing, but submitted to him nonetheless. Gripping her by the back of the neck he pushed her forward and she raised her hands against the stall door with a thump. Positioning himself behind her now, he guided his dick back inside her slick hole.

"Fuck, Evan, fuck!" Noel moaned as he picked up speed, filling her dripping cunt entirely. The smell now was unmistakable, if someone were to walk in they would immediately know what was going down. Sweat, sex, and alcohol wafted from the stall next door. Still filming, Dan masturbated more furiously now as Evan pounded his wife with greater voracity, the sound of his balls slapping against her dripping cunt echoing around the room.

"Take it off." Dan heard her whisper. Evan slowed down, but kept going. "Take it off -- cum inside me." The tone in her voice was desperate, greedy.

"I'm not trying to get you pregnant-" he began to contest, but she interrupted him.

"I'll say it's his, just- oh fuck- just cum inside me... please..."

Sure enough, he pulled out for a moment and dropped the condom to the floor. He positioned himself again and pushed back inside her, moaning deeply at the feeling of being inside her without the barrier between them.

"Fuck, you're so tight." He huffed out.

He reached a pace Dan would never have been able to maintain with deep strokes that slammed against her innermost reaches, pounding away and slapping her ass while he held her hair around his other hand. Her butt cheeks rippled at each thrust, hot red marks from his hand appearing on each cheek.

At last, he made a few final thrusts, long, deep, complete lunges from the very tip of his aching dick down to the base as he blew wad after wad of sticky, hot cum inside her. He left it inside for a moment to give her every last drop before she gasped at the feeling of sudden emptiness as he left her.

After they'd recovered and re-dressed, sticky and sweaty and stinky, they hurried their way back to the party. Dan took his phone to watch it back, gripped his cock, and got to work. Maybe it wasn't going to be such a bad Christmas after all."


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