Tales of Kavya: Seducing Nirav

Disclaimer: All the characters in the story are above 18 years of age.

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Nirav looked at Kavya walking by his side, holding her small purse. He couldn't believe his luck in finding a girl like her, effortlessly beautiful and sexy. Kavya too seemed to like him, as she was always cheerful with him. He wasn't really sure if he should hold her hands. The sides of their arms occasionally touched each other, as they were forced to walk close together, owing to the large crowd in the mall on a Saturday afternoon.

"We can do some shopping here," said Kavya pointing to the line of clothing storefronts.

"Sure," said Nirav.

He was gonna say 'sure' to anything that Kavya would ask. He had had flings in the past. But Kavya was different. Something about Kavya intrigued him. She was beautiful and hot and lovely, but it always seemed like she was hiding some wild part of herself and her general demeanour was just to cover her wild side.

It had been only a week since they had both started seeing each other. Nirav was a freelance software developer while Kavya worked in an advertisement firm. Nirav had developed a software especially for Kavya's team. He was invited to give some demo and training to the team for three days. There was an extra pay for that, so Nirav took the labour of physically going to an office. Apart from the extra pay, he got to meet Kavya.

Kavya, on the pretext of asking some doubts regarding the software, had met Nirav alone after his training session on the first day. They hit it off quite naturally. Kavya was the only young and single person in the team. Nirav naturally felt attracted to her. It didn't take long for them to start seeing each other. Nirav would meet her at her office cafeteria every evening for few days, till his office visitor's pass expired.

"Which store should we go to?" asked Kavya.

"I must tell you that I'm not buying anything for myself," said Nirav.

"It's okay," said Kavya with a smile.

Nirav then looked at Kavya properly from head to toe. He noticed that he and Kavya were wearing similar clothes. They both were in dark blue jeans and white sneakers and hoodies over their T-shirts. The only exception was that Nirav was wearing a cap. He didn't wanna comb his long unkempt hair.

"I realised something, we're twinning," said Nirav with a chuckle.

"What?" said Kavya looking down at her hoodie and jeans and then staring at Nirav, "It's so embarrassing, isn't it?"

"I guess people might mistake us for twins," said Nirav looking around at the crowd of people passing by them at different directions.

"Well, anyhow, I thought of getting rid of these clothes today. They're colourless and withered out," said Kavya.

"Yeah, let's buy some clothes for you."

"Let me dump this hoodie first."

"What? Where?"

She spun around slowly, looking for something. Her eyes then stopped at one college girl standing by a large column of the floor with a large bucket beside her. There was a placard beside her with words: 'DONATE YOUR CLOTHES FOR CHARITY.'

"Exactly what I was looking for!"

"What?" said Nirav confused and looked at Kavya's direction of sight.

"That bucket looks like a dust bin. They should have kept something decent instead," he commented.

"I'm gonna donate this hoodie now," said Kavya, swiftly unzipping her hoodie and then taking it off.

She and Nirav walked towards the college girl, who was quite bored and was staring at her phone.

"Hey, I wanna donate my hoodie," said Kavya, raising her voice to get the girl's attention.

The bored girl looked up.

"Oh! Sure ma'am. We are quite obliged ma'am," said the girl quickly turning attentive and then extending both her hands to receive the hoodie.

Kavya too handed the hoodie with both her hands. The girl slowly dumped the hoodie in the bucket and then looked eagerly at Nirav.

"Oh no, only she had to donate," said Nirav with a toothy grin.

"It's okay, thank you for your donation ma'am," said the girl and gave her a small piece of paper, like a receipt.

"It's to show that they are genuine," said Kavya looking at Nirav waving the small receipt which had the name and logo of the organisation.

"It seems like you know about such things."

"Yeah, every time it's a different college student," said Kavya thrusting the receipt on Nirav's palms, "Let's go to Lifestyle."

Kavya headed to the Lifestyle clothing store with quick steps and Nirav followed her. Nirav couldn't help looking at Kavya's curved ass which was accentuated by her tight jeans. Her body looked completely different after she got rid of the baggy hoodie. The red T-shirt that she was wearing barely reached the waistline of her jeans and the sleeves just barely covered her shoulders. He also just noticed that Kavya was wearing a black fabric choker around her neck.

He quickened his steps to walk beside her and stop ogling at her beautiful ass. They hadn't even held each other's hands properly yet, and he was hoping that he would at least get a kiss from her by the end of the day.

They walked past different shelves, stands and displays of clothes in Lifestyle. But Kavya walked to the section of clothes with budget prices and brands, aware of her modest income.

"What if I wear a skirt? Will it match the shirt that I'm wearing?" asked Kavya, taking out a white skirt and holding it against her waist.

Nirav had assumed that Kavya would be shopping for the midi-type, ankle-length skirts, that he had normally seen her wear in her office. But Kavya was holding a medium-length skirt which reached just above her knees. He thought Kavya would look pretty in a skirt like that.

"But I don't think white would go with the red T-shirt," said Nirav.

"Yeah, I was thinking about choosing a different colour."

"How about wearing a black skirt?" said Nirav. He thought that a black skirt would look sexy on her.


"It might look good on you," said Nirav, not finding a good enough reason for her query, "With your black hair."

"Yeah, my hair is unique. It's black," said Kavya rolling her eyes with a giggle.

But to their surprise, there weren't many options for black skirts. The ones that she liked were quite expensive.

"It's okay, you can spend your money," said Nirav, "I mean, you don't shop quite often I guess."

"Okay then, I guess the skirt finally found me," said Kavya as she pulled out a skirt hidden deep in the middle of the rest of the skirts in the stand.

She held the skirt in front of her waist. It was a mini-skirt. Nirav wasn't sure if Kavya would be comfortable wearing it, though he liked the skirt very much. But Kavya seemed to be okay with it.

"Let me try this," she said, "But first let me find a shirt for this."

"Wait, didn't you just match the skirt with the red shirt?"

"Like I said, I'm gonna get rid of everything I'm wearing now," said Kavya, "I have bunch of other T-shirts at home like this. Black skirt goes well with anything."

Nirav nodded and just followed Kavya wherever she went. Kavya was looking at a bunch of tank tops.

"So...tank tops?" asked Nirav, with an amused eyebrow.

"Yep," said Kavya nodding her head and browsing through some tank tops.

"Again, a black top," said Kavya pulling out a short tank top from the bunch.

She held it against her upper body and then looked at Nirav.

Nirav didn't know what to comment. The only thing that came to his mind was the tank top was sexy. It would definitely show more of her skin. The thought of seeing more of Kavya's skin was making him a bit excited.

"They look good," said Nirav, "Again, it matches with your black...".

"Yeah, sure, my black hair," said Kavya with a chuckle, "Well then, it's time to try these clothes out."

"You sure you don't wanna see more options?"

"I guess I'll try these two first," said Kavya as she headed to the changing room.

Nirav waited meekly outside the line of changing rooms, looking at random directions.

"Hey, how do I look?" came Kavya's voice.

Nirav turned around to see her and he was stunned.

Kavya was wearing a knee-high white socks under her white sneakers, though the knees were exposed. As he had expected, the skirt reached just her mid-thighs. The tank top was the perfect tight fit for her. It covered her bellybutton but there was a bit of waist exposed. It clung tightly around abdomen and it showed no cleavage. Her breasts were now more pronounced as the curves looked perfectly outlined. The black choker was like an icing on the cake to her hot outfit. With her hair untied and free, she looked like a totally different person than just few minutes ago.

"You look great and pretty and lovely," stammered Nirav.

"That means I look sexy," giggled Kavya.

"Well...yeah," said Nirav heaving a laughing sigh.

"Then I guess we can go to the counter and pay, unless you wanna buy something."

"No, I don't think I'll buy anything. You can change back."

"But I was thinking of wearing this for the day," said Kavya.

"Oh..ok," he said, "But the sneakers and socks are not a match. You can at least get rid of the socks."

"Yeah, you're right. The socks look horrible. I only wore it because of the jeans," she said, "Let me get my clothes from the room and we can go."

Kavya came out of the changing room, with the socks removed and her jeans and T-shirt over her arms. Nirav was walking behind her, watching the back of her legs, especially the calves, which was much more visible after she got rid of the socks.

"You can give us a bag for free right? To carry my old clothes," said Kavya after paying the bill, raising her hands to show the cashier her T-shirt and jeans. The socks was hidden somewhere between them.

"Yeah sure," said the cashier and he handed her a Lifestyle bag.

"You know that the bags aren't actually free here," said Nirav with a smirk as they walked out of the store.

"Yeah, he might have liked my tank top," said Kavya with a smile, "Now I need to replace my sneakers."

Nirav couldn't help giving a side look to Kavya. The tank top and the skirt made her look a lot sexier. He almost felt that he didn't deserve to be with such a hot girl. A line of shoe stores was in the same floor.

"Again, I have to choose the cheaper one," said Kavya and they walked into Khadim's footwear store.

The store was slightly more crowded than the other shoe stores. But Kavya looked markedly different than the other lady customers in the store. Most of the men had their heads turned to her for some extra few seconds as she walked through the crowd.

"Are you planning to buy a shoe or a sandal?" asked Nirav.

"Heels, a pair of high heels," said Kavya, "But there aren't much options here it seems."

"How may I help you guys?" responded an attendant of the store who crept in beside them out of nowhere.

"She is looking for some high heels," said Nirav.

"Please take a seat ma'am while I bring some heels for you to select," said the attendant.

As most of the seats were occupied, Kavya could only get a rather high cushioned stool, which was not really comfortable for her height, as her feet were hanging and only her toes touched the floor.

The attendant came with boxes of heels.

"Let me remove my shoes first, sorry if it stinks," said Kavya.

"No problem ma'am, it's our job," said the attendant with an unusual joyous smile.

"Is his job to smell the stink of every customer's feet?" thought Nirav.

Kavya moved a little bit front at the edge of the stool, riding her short skirt up, showing more of her already exposed thighs. She then removed her sneakers one by one.

Kavya's legs were now totally bare from the top of her thighs to her toes. Nirav couldn't help but notice that the attendant was taking some extra moments to sip in the view of her beautiful legs. If only she spread her legs a little apart, the attendant would have got some good view of her undergarments. The attendant then grabbed her foot to help her wear one of the heels.

"It doesn't look good. Can you show me another?" said Kavya.

The attendant opened another box.

"No, show me another."

Nirav couldn't guess if Kavya was genuinely rejecting the heels or she just wanted to have the attendant enjoy the touch of her feet on his hands, because she approved only when the last sample was left.

"I think I'll take this one," she said.

She stood up with the heels and Nirav noticed how it changed Kavya's butt posture. She walked a few steps with the heels, as if she was walking the ramp of a fashion show.

Both Nirav and the attendant were mesmerised at the sight of her hips swaying up and down alternately as she walked. Few of the male customers in the store too momentarily watched her walk. She turned around and rested her hands on her hips and her legs crossed.

"Does it look good?"

"It's perfect," said the attendant before Nirav could comment anything.

"Yes," nodded Nirav.

"I'll buy it then. I'm wearing it now."

After paying for the heels and keeping the older shoes in Khadim's bag, Nirav and Kavya got out of the store.

"I'll donate my old clothes to the college girl," said Kavya.

They walked again to the bored college girl, who quickly recognised them and at the same time was surprised to see Kavya. One moment she was in her baggy hoodie. The next moment she looked like she was about to seduce someone.

"Here's my jeans and T-shirt," said Kavya, taking them out from her clothing store bag.

"Thank you ma'am."

"You guys take shoes as well?" asked Kavya, "I have been wearing it just a few moments ago though."

"It's not a problem ma'am. Our organisation washes all the items before they are put up for donation," said the college girl.

"In that case, keep the whole bag okay?" said Kavya handing her the Khadim's bag.

The girl gave three more receipts to Kavya.

As Nirav and Kavya walked aimlessly around, Nirav kept staring at her sideways.

"Hey! Stop staring at me like that," Kavya said in a playful way.

"It's not fair you know. You get to wear nice clothes, and look hot, and I look like an aimless college student," said Nirav.

"I did ask you if you wanted to buy something in Lifestyle. Don't blame me," said Kavya raising her hands, "Come, let's have some coffee."

They took the escalators to reach the top floor of the mall. On the first landing Nirav almost deliberately stood behind her, a few steps down, just to have a good look at her bare legs. Her skirt was teasingly short, but modest enough to walk around in in public. The skirt was tight against her ass, as she had one leg on a step below the other. Nirav couldn't get his eyes off her calves and her back thighs. But after the first landing, he stood beside her on remainder of the escalators. He could almost feel that some men standing behind them were enjoying the view of Kavya's sexy back.

Once they reached the landing of the top floor, he turned around to face the men ogling at Kavya's legs and ass, and when his eye met theirs, they turned their heads to random directions.

Nirav and Kavya entered Café Coffee Day. They found a corner table and ordered their coffees.

"It's been a nice date, isn't it?" asked Nirav sipping his cup.

"Yes, it's nice indeed," said Kavya, "But the date is not over yet and I haven't completed my task yet. I said I would get rid of all the clothes I was wearing. All..."

Nirav could only imagine what Kavya wanted to imply. After getting rid of the hoodie, T-shirt, jeans, shoes and socks, only thing remaining were her undergarments. Kavya kept smiling at him and Nirav was forced to say something.

"Well, I think the next stop is Lifestyle again. There you can find the replacement of your remaining clothing," said Nirav.

"I said I wanted to get rid of everything, not necessarily replace everything," said Kavya sipping her coffee.

Nirav had no idea what Kavya meant by that. But he just hoped to get some kind of surprise by the end of the day after all the tease that she was giving. Also, he was curious about how she would get rid of her undergarments.

"A date is not over until we have a good meal isn't it?" asked Kavya.

"Yeah, that's true," said Nirav.

"Why don't we watch a Bollywood movie to pass the time and have dinner in a restaurant somewhere else, not the ones in the mall?"

"Yes, once we have the dinner, it's officially our date!"

Kavya gave a small chuckle and gave a seductive smile to him again and Nirav couldn't wait to kiss her lips.

They went to the cinemas in the mall. Nirav booked the tickets on a big walled touchscreen in the entrance lobby of the theatre. He deliberately chose a movie which was less booked and chose the corner seats in the last row.

Inside the theatre, Nirav was happy to find that their row was empty. Kavya was sitting at the corner-most seat of the row, just beside the wall. Fortunately for Nirav, she didn't complain about the corner seats. Nirav had been thinking of slipping his hands around her shoulders in the quite darkness of the corner. But Kavya seemed to be too interested in the bland comedy movie that Nirav thought it best not to disturb her. The first half of the movie was the most boring minutes of the day for Nirav.

It was interval time and the lights in the theatre were turned on. Nirav's bored face was apparent in the bright lights. First thing he noticed when the lights turned on was the smooth legs of Kavya beside him. The way she sat on her seat made most of her skirt ride up, just like she sat in Khadim's footwear store, exposing almost all of her legs.

"You look bored."

"What? Me?" said Nirav in a flustered manner, moving his eyes away from her legs.

"Perhaps other things interest you," said Kavya naughtily signalling him with her eyes to her legs.

She then leaned her lips to his left ear and whispered, "Don't worry. I'll keep you entertained during the next half of the movie."

Her voice was so seductive, Nirav went into a trance, wondering what the entertainment was gonna be.

The second half of the movie started, and the lights were turned off again. Nirav kept eyeing Kavya sideways, very much unknown and unsure about what she was about to do. There was a constant mischievous smirk on her face, illuminated by the bright lights coming from the movie on the screen. Finally he caught her in action.

Kavya bent down while being seated, to remove the heels. She then traced her fingers from her feet, up her legs, up her knees, along her thighs, to the hemline of her skirt and finally her hands went inside her skirt, the skirt still ridden up showing almost all of her legs. Nirav guessed what she was about to do next. She lifted her butt a little and brought the hands out of her skirt, pulling out the waistband of her panties, hooked on her thumbs. She slowly rolled the panties down to her legs, past her feet. She collected the panties on her right hand and inserted it inside the left jeans pocket of Nirav.

Nirav's dick turned flaccid, and it wasn't obvious from his tight jeans.

"You can sniff it if you want to," whispered Kavya on his ears.

Nirav was so enchanted by her words that he casually took out the panties from his pocket as if he was taking out a handkerchief. But he hid it inside his fist, even though no one could see him or Kavya in the theatre. Pretending to be sneezing on a handkerchief, he held the panties in both his hands and held it against his nostrils.

He didn't know what the smell was. It was different. He had never smelled a used panties before, or even clean panties for that matter. But it was arousing for him. It made him wonder about Kavya's pussy. He was holding a piece of clothing that had been hugging Kavya's pussy and asscrack for quite a few hours. The thought of Kavya going commando, her almost bottomless state, saved by just a short skirt, turned him on so much that his boner was hard and wasn't obscure anymore. He stretched his hoodie down to hide his crotch.r"












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