Completely Unexpected

The female character in this story is based on a French murder/mystery series I watched. The chief investigator was a stout black woman who suffered no fools. As I watched I found myself thinking someone like her would make a great character for a story.

Completely Unexpected

Mrs. Landry was looking at me as she made her way through the outer area where all the work cubicles are. She had her serious face on as she walked through the door of my office. She'd been widowed for some time, yet everyone still addressed her as Mrs. Landry. She stood average height for a woman of her physical stature, I estimated her height to be around five foot eight, her weight somewhere in the 200 pound range. What I did know for certain is that she was 47. My mother would have referred to her as 'stout'. She has wide shoulders, a thick waist without anything hanging over the belt, a nice butt bordering on being too big, and thick legs. In my eyes she was an ebony beauty, her skin is a light brown bordering on deep bronze, her hair is longish and flows over her shoulders an inch or two. In the eyes of most others she was simply Mrs. Landry, owner of Landry Technology.

Her breasts have always mesmerized me, they aren't huge half a football size, but there's plenty to wrap your hands around when you stick one of those thick nipples in your mouth. They jiggle when she walks, if she's in a hurry her gait is such that they bounce and jiggle at the same time. Then there are those lips, those soft, luscious, thick lips. If she had one black feature that stood out it was her pronounced lips, I used to wonder what it would be like to have those lips wrapped around my dick with her head bobbing up and down.

She was dressed impeccably, as always, a dark blue business suit with a bright white silk blouse, the skirt was snug and stopped about 3 inches above her knees. Today she had on a cute little mini tie that only made her look all the more alluring. Standing in the doorway to my office she gave me more of a smirk than a smile and stated softly but emphatically.

"Seven on the dot, and don't be late."

Her butt jiggled slightly as she walked away, I noticed an extra bit of swish in the hips as well. Looking back she barked an order pointing at me.

"Make sure you're on time young man."

I knew I would be meeting her at her town home and the terseness of her voice was for the benefit of the office staff. I acted concerned as she turned her back to me. The lady just outside my office gave me the 'what's up with her look', I shrugged and busied myself. Jim Johnson stuck his head in the door as he walked by.

"Boy she's on the war path today. I'm glad the warden is on your ass and not mine, she eats young guys like you for lunch and spits them out. How long you been here Jeff, five, six months?" I held up ten digits. "Holy shit, that long huh? Well, been nice knowin yuh if she fires your ass."

He left as quickly as he'd arrived, I put my head down and went back to work, making sure my face wasn't visible, that way no one would see the shit eatin grin on my face. Nor did I stand for fear they'd see a large bulge at the front of my dress slacks. Oh yes, Jim was right, there'd be ass involved tonight, just not in the way he was thinking. No, the ass would be hers slapping against me as I pummeled her eager beaver from behind, driving my cock in until my body collided with hers. Her tits would be swinging back and forth with me trying to capture one from time to time.

She liked it hard and deep if she was taking it doggy, there had been an occasion or two when she asked me to do more with her ass than pound against it. It was she who taught me the intricacies of butt fucking, making sure I understood it wasn't for everyone. Still, she thought I should know about such things "just in case". It had been a few months since she'd ask me to do her butt, maybe tonight she would. Whether we did or not it was bound to be a fruitful night, whenever she would give that special smirk she had in the doorway to my office I knew she was hornier than a cat in heat.

How I came to be her personal lover and sex toy is an adventure young men dream of but never expect to materialize. Upon graduation from high school I waited two years before entering the local branch of the state U system, graduating with a degree in computer science. I was smart enough to know the field was already flooded with computer techs looking to make a big name for themselves. I loved working with computers and therefore felt if I had a degree, I should be able to get a job as an in-house tech for a company somewhere. I wasn't looking to be the next Bill Gates or some super-duper gamer, I simply wanted a job doing what I loved.

I sent out resume's and had several interviews without success. Just about the time I was ready to take any kind of job anywhere I received an e-mail from a company I'd sent a resume to six months prior. It was two states away and not as big a company as I had envisioned working in, but it was a job opportunity, and I wasn't going to turn it down. The e-mail said that if I were interested to respond and personnel would get ahold of me. I thought, yeah right, what a line of crap. I responded in the affirmative not expecting anything further.

To my chagrin three days later I received a call late morning from an older sounding gentleman named Bob. Why are they always named Bob? Or William? Long story short he asked numerous questions only stumping me on one of them. As the phone interview was coming to an end he asked something I wasn't expecting to hear.

"Would you be willing to come for a face-to-face interview with me and the owner of the company? We'll cover the expenses whether you fly or drive. That will include meals and lodging. Is there a date available for that to happen Jeff?"

I didn't need to give it any thought, "Yes sir, what works for you."

I hated the thought of a grope and grab session at the airport instead of being photographed nude, which is basically what a body scan is, and drove instead. They put me up in a Marriott and made sure my every need was taken care of within reason. The interview went well, well enough to get hired anyway. Robert, (Bob) was in his mid-sixties and looked every bit that worn out. Mrs. Landry, whom I would come to know as Renee was the other interviewer, she was visibly my senior and yet there was a charm about her I couldn't put my finger on. Here age seemed to only add to the mystique, she sat back and let Bob ask questions.

At one point she leaned forward and asked point blank, "Are you averse to traveling, because if you're hired you'll be expected to travel with me often. Mind you young man, I don't suffer fools, so if you can't do that tell me now."

I heard what she was saying but my thoughts were on the dark red covered lips moving four feet away. They were puffy and full, I imagined what they might do in a romantic setting. Then just like that my mind was where it should have been all along.

"Yes ma'am. I can do that. Travel doesn't bother me at all."

Looking at me with a glare she asked, "I see you're twenty-seven. You got a girl? Because there's no room in this job for a girlfriend bothering you day in and day out. If I need you to come in and fix something I don't want to hear, I can't tonight, I'm with my girlfriend."

Shaking my head, "No ma'am, no girlfriend. It's just me."

Staring into my eyes the expression on her face was quite serious, "What about working for a black woman? Is that an issue?"

Shaking my head I replied, "No ma'am."

She stood and gestured for Bob to follow her into the hall where they had a whispered conversation before she walked away. Bob returned and sat across from me.

"We'd like you to stay one more day if that's possible. As per our agreement, we'll cover all of your expenses."

I nodded then asked, "Just what is it you guys do here? I know it's an IT position, but I wondered what I might be working with."

"It's mostly government stuff. Landry Tech was started by her dad in the 50's. He flew fighters in the war as a young man, when he came home he developed a navigational system that's still in use today with some upgrades. He's long gone, but he made sure his daughter got an engineering degree, she worked with him several years before he had a fatal heart attack. You'll be taking my position if she hires you."

I was told to be ready to go to dinner at seven, to be in the lobby and not keep the driver waiting. He smiled and said, "Five minutes early will help with that. Oh, and dress up, wear what you have on now if you like."

If I like? I was dang glad he said that because I only have one suit. I was in the lobby ten minutes early, at five of seven a well-dressed man walked to me, "Are you Jeffrey Storm?"

I shook his hand, "It's just Jeff, but that's me."

At the restaurant I was genuinely surprised to see Mrs. Landry dressed in a lovely light-yellow dress seated next to Bob and a woman whom I assumed was his wife. Greetings were exchanged all around except Mrs. Landry, she smiled and nodded. I noticed throughout the meal that she watched me carefully, I didn't pick up on the reason why. After a few minutes of chit chat following the meal, she signaled toward the gentleman who'd picked me up, as he stood next to her she said.

"I'll be ready to go in ten minutes." Looking at me she said, "Bob and Evelyn will take you back to the Marriott, a car will pick you up at 9. Did you bring clothes to work in?" I nodded. "Wear them tomorrow, I want to see what you're capable of."

On the way to the hotel I found Evelyn (Bob's wife) to be a flirty old gal, I imagined that she made sure Roberts needs were met. She wasn't dressed provocatively or potty mouthed, it was the way she said things and the looks she gave him, they conveyed sensuality without being slutty. I found myself thinking, "I'll bet an old broad like her could teach a young pup like me a thing or two about sex and how to satisfy a woman in bed".

As I exited their car I heard her say something I'm sure I wasn't supposed to, "Take me home, I'm wearing those purple panties you like so much, let's have some fun."

I smiled all the way to my room. The next day Bob presented me with numerous troubleshooting scenarios, all of which I passed or was on the right track to do so. At the end of the day he escorted me to Mrs. Landry's office gesturing for me to sit in the chair next to him. She was on the phone asking someone if they'd done what she told them to do. They must have said no because she bristled and said brusquely.

"If you aren't going to do what I tell you then don't call me for advice." The phone slammed.

Looking across her desk she pointed at me, "Well Bob, is he gonna work or do we keep on looking?"

"He'll do just fine Renee. Needs a bit more OJT but he's got what it takes. I can have him ready in a month."

She stared me down, "That's Mrs. Landry to you son. If I ever hear you call me by my first name I'll box your ears in. Got it?"

I nodded as she continued, "I watched you eat last night, how a person eats and behaves at the dinner table speaks volumes in my book. You took your time and enjoyed the meal instead of wolfing it down, you knew which utensil to use and HOW to use it. That impressed me, you obviously listened to your mother. So do you want the job?"

"Yes ma'am, I do. I don't live to far away and my vehicle is reliable, moving here won't be an issue."

The next three minutes shocked the hell out of me. "I know where you live Jeffrey, with your sister Tamara, her husband and three kids. Your parents died when you were fourteen and you were under your sisters care until you went to college. You drive a six-year-old Honda Civic, you don't party or do drugs, and yes, I knew you didn't have a steady girl when I asked last night."

My jaw must have been hanging by then, "But.... How do you know all of that?" I asked.

"We're a government contractor, under half of what we do is for the DOD, did you think I was going to interview someone who can't pass a stringent background check? If you make it past the sixty-day probationary period you'll have to get a top-secret clearance, I'm not about to waste my time on someone who can't meet those criteria."

I was still in shock, "What about salary and those sorts of things? How soon would you expect me to start?"

"Here's the deal Jeff. For the first 60 days I'll pay you $22 an hour with basically no benefits. If you make it past that I'll start you out in the mid five figures and a handsome benefit package. Save your moving receipts, at the end of 60 days if we keep you on, I will reimburse all those expenses. As for when to start, just as soon as you can get here. The sooner the better."

"Is there a dress code Mrs. Landry?"

"Good question, smart boy. Yes, it's casual dress. No jeans or tee shirts, no flip flops, no shorts. Khaki's or cotton casual slacks are fine along with a nice shirt. However, the last Friday of every month is a free for all day, you can wear whatever you want within reason. For the women it's no miniskirts or low tops leaving nothing to the imagination. No skintight pants for the guys and absolutely no muscle shirts. After all, it's still a business where customers stop in unannounced. Most people wear jeans or shorts in the summer, sometimes a tee shirt, Bob always wears his favorite shirts in the colder months, a long sleeve flannel. Like I said, it's casual, use common sense and you'll do fine."

I needed to think about what had been proposed and run it by my sister, she'd never given me bad advice, I valued her input.

"It's Wednesday, can I have until Friday? I just need to weigh everything before I say yes. If I decide to do this, I can be here Monday morning."

"Friday is fine, if you haven't called by three I'll scratch your name off the list. I'm hoping you'll make a decision in our favor. Travel safe."

Bob gestured for me to rise and then escorted me from the office. The drive home was going to be twelve hours, I decided to stay an extra night and leave early in the morning. It seemed to take forever to get home, half the time my mind was in a haze, there were times I looked around and wondered how I'd gotten there. When I walked in a little after ten Tamara was waiting on the couch, Tim had gone to bed. Patting the cushion next to her she motioned for me to join her.

"Gimme a minute sis, gotta pee."

By the time I made it back to the family room Tim was awake and sitting across from Tamara. She gently took my hand,

"How'd it go little brother? Did they hire you?"

I laid out all that I'd done along with the proposal Mrs. Landry had presented. When I looked at my sister she made a face.

"Gee, I was hoping you might find something closer. Sounds like a good deal though."

Tim entered the conversation, "Time to let him go babe. He's already past 25, he doesn't need mothering any longer. I think it's a great opportunity, if for nothing else than to learn and add to his skill level."

Tamara opened her arms and called me a name only she had ever been allowed to, "C-mere skeeter, give your sister a hug. Tim's right, this sounds like a good place to start."

With her arms around my shoulders she squeezed as she'd done a thousand times before and kissed my forehead as she'd done thousands of times before as well. Letting go she sat back.

"Don't wait until the afternoon Jeff, call in the morning. Let them know you're ready to go. We'll help get you packed and on your way by Saturday afternoon. You can stop part way to sleep and then drive the rest Sunday, that way you'll be bright eyed and chipper Monday morning."

After arriving in the town of my new employment I called Bob and found out my starting time would be seven, I was in the parking lot waiting at 6:30. Bob motioned for me to follow once he arrived. I didn't see Mrs. Landry at all the first three days, Bob got me through HR Monday morning and had me elbow deep in trouble shooting by late afternoon. I happened upon her Thursday after lunch, walking toward me she was an intimidating figure. I could see why most called her the warden, because she looked like one and ran a tight ship.

She stopped a few feet from me, "How are you getting along Jeffrey? Bob says you're doing well and that you've grasped our system remarkably fast. That's music to my ears. Well, have a good day."

She'd asked and answered the question for me, it seemed an odd way to run a company, and yet it was obviously prospering, keeping over a hundred people employed. Who was I to wonder about how she conducted business? As the weeks went by I would see her here and there, always dressed in business attire of some sort, expensive, stylish and attractive. The more I noticed her the more I realized she was never bare legged, she was always wearing hosiery of some sort. With the hem of her skirts a good three inches above the knee it was always enticing to see her, I considered her to be what my late father would have called her, a foxy old chick.

At the sixty days mark I was reimbursed moving expenses and given an employment package starting at sixty-two thousand a year along with reasonable benefits. While it wasn't going to set the world on fire, it was far more than I had anticipated and would certainly pay the bills. I kept my nose to the grindstone and had only needed Bob for consultation twice within the first four months. My security clearance came through just after the four-month anniversary, it was also the first time Mrs. Landry stopped in my office. She had two cups of coffee in hand, setting one on my desk before sitting across from me.

"I need you to travel with me in three weeks, make sure your passport is up to date. We'll be flying to Paris for a week and from there to Copenhagen where we'll meet with our counterparts in the Dutch equivalency of what we do. Sue in HR will make all the arrangements and keep you in the loop. This will be a high-end trip, make sure you have suits and ties, we want to look our best."

On the flight over we had a chance to talk. I asked how it was that she possessed some facial features of a black lady, but her skin was not very dark.

She chuckled as she signaled for another glass of apple juice. "That's an interesting story. My grand dad was from North Dakota, after high school he moved to Chicago and got a job in a chair factory. It was there he met my grandma, a black lady from Alabama. Though society frowned heavily upon mixed race marriages they thumbed their nose at society and married. They had two kids, one being my dad, he married my mom who was white and they had me. So, there isn't much black blood left in me, that's part of the reason I have so many white features like my long curly hair and narrow nose. The one thing that stands out is that my lips are more pronounced than most other people, but I live with it."

"How about the company. How did that start?"

"My dad flew fighters in the Pacific during WW2, something only a handful of black pilots ever got to do. When he got home he went to college on the original GI Bill to get an engineering degree in a new field called aeronautics. He was a visionary and developed a navigational instrument that is still used to this day. When the company became successful, he branched out into what is now called the space program. He was never a big player, but he was innovative enough that the DOD noticed him, and the rest is history."

While in Paris we spent every hour of every day working together, parting only to use the restroom or at night. We took numerous potential buyers out for meals and drinks, Mrs. Landry always made sure to include me, often deferring questions to me when asked about specific systems. We were in no way buddies, but I wasn't just some schmuck she'd hired either. There was an element of respect that I hadn't noticed prior.r"


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